Let's talk about garbage
/Today is a good day to discuss garbage art. (Please don't delete this email, at least not yet!) I know that sounds a bit odd, so let's just say that it's good day to talk about my habit of doing seemingly pointless things, like making collages, and how they translate to not just my well-being but also to profitable business.
Yes, collages. Like this one:
Ridiculous, right?
What am I, 10 years old? Well, that's the point.
The other day I was cleaning out closets and collected old packaging and magazines to throw away, like the responsible quarantined grown up that I am.
But I didn't.
Instead, my inner ten year old took over (thank goodness!) and invited my actual ten year old son to spend an hour playing with scissors and glue sticks and recyclables.
Making collages is fun. But they also feed my creativity in other ways.
I love the idea of making something new out of the old. The past is never wasted.
Perhaps you find that gluing junk mail is interesting, but isn't for you.
But I urge you to find your own creative outlet. You never have to share it with anyone. Experiment with different things until you find what lights you up. Perhaps you discover that what you love color or poetry or dance. I don't know, and it really doesn't matter.
Making art for art's sake forces you to pay attention to the world, and in doing so, you will find a new way of doing things. That is priceless.
Let’s talk about the relentless pressure to make everything a business: Maybe there's a business there, maybe there isn't. But the point is to take time away from work, give your brain a break and let your heart take over. When the time is right, your silly art that no one has to know about will pay off: You might come up with a new product, a new way of thinking, or simply refreshed and ready to take on the day.
Oh, and for the record, while I I made this my son made a collage that included toilets, monkeys, and cats. It's awesome. Everyone’s mind works differently. I don't judge.
Go have fun with your ridiculous garbage,